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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Agriculture Education
IDA/700-PAK-10 Assignment Report Agricultural Education FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION PAKISTAN Horticulture and Vegetable Production at the Sind Agricultural University, Tandojam by Mohamed A. S. Sakr UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION (Unesco) Paris, 1982 Serial No. FMR/ED/OPS/82/23KIDA) IDA/700-PAK-10 Assignment Report (Sakr) FMR/ED/OPS/82/231 (IDA) Paris, 22 June 1982 CONTENTS PARAGRAPHS INTRODUCTION ( 1 †2) AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY PROVISION AND NEEDS ( 3 †14) Faculties 3-Central Facilities: 5-8 (1) (2) (3) Central Library Laboratories Water and Electricity (4) 5 6 7 S University Farm 9 Faculty of Agriculture 9 Staffing 10 †14 Department of Horticulture 10 (1) (2) (3) Staffing Buildings Equipment 11 †13 14 (15 †36) ACTIVITIES OF HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT AND ADVISER 16 †20 Undergraduate Curricula 21 Postgraduate Curricula 22 †29 Vegetable Crops (1) (2) (3) goals and Methods Growing tec hniques Seed creation (4) Results 22 †23 24 †27 28 29 30 †32 Student Training:- useful work and talks 3 †34 Staff Training Research 35 †I. Presentation 1. This report covers the exercises of the Adviser in Horticulture and Vega,table Production from 14 March 1981 to 13 March 1982, inside the structure of Credit Agreement No. 678, marked on 18 February 1977 between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the International Development Association as gave by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under sub-agreement to Unesco. 2. His capacities were characterized as follows:Under the bearing of theVice-chancellor of the University and the Director of the Third Education Project in Pakistan, the Adviser, other than performing such different obligations inside his fitness as may be relegated him, would help the University's Faculty of Agriculture to: a) b) Develop educational programs and showing strategies for courses in cultivation ; c) Prep are seminars on physiological highlights influencing the development of green harvests, including day-length, water-stress, soil and air temperatures, manure use and take-up, and so on ; d) Encourage the turn of events and utilization of creative techniques for showing agriculture; e)Identify plant species which could be utilized locally for seed creation; f) I. Start and improve research strategies in vegetable creation; Prepare, inside the Adviser's field of fitness, specialized archives (manuals, rules, handouts, and so forth ) to be put at the removal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Farming EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY PROVISION AND NEEDS Faculties 3. The Sind Agricultural University, which created from the Agricultural College previously settled at Sakrand in 1939, had in 1982, an enrolment of 1,700 understudies and exactly 200 school personnel (excluding Research Institute s taff).It has a Division of Basic Sciences, three Faculties †Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary S cience, and Agricultural Engineering †and a Directorate of Advanced Studies. 4. The biggest personnel is that of Agriculture, with 1,252 students and 174 postgraduate understudies and 88 school personnel in 1982. It has eleven divisions: agronomy, herbal science and plant rearing, agrarian augmentation and short courses, farming science, rural financial aspects, entomology, agriculture, plant security, plant pathology, insights and English. - 2-Central Facilities (1) Central Library; 5. The Adviser thought about that the Central Library, which serves the entire University, had lacking supplies of ongoing reference books and periodicals, that its utilization could be expanded if its long periods of activity were reached out from 7. 30 a. m. to 7. 30 p. m. , and that ordering and rack stockpiling of books and different materials ought to be improved. (2) Laboratories : 6. A Central Laboratory, the Adviser suggested, ought to be set up for cutting edge examines, reasonably furnish ed and set up with prepared technicians.There was a requirement for a focal assistance to keep up and fix lab gear and mechanical assembly. He saw various things as unavailable which could without much of a stretch have been fixed. Lab partners were required for legitimate lab upkeep and activity, and each division ought to approach labs reasonable for useful work by understudies, for shows and for examination and experimentation by showing staff and postgraduate understudies. (3) Water and Electricity: 7. The water pressure was lacking in many research centers, to the disadvantage of handy work and test projects.Intermittent electrical breakdowns meddled with the lead of lab tests which required upkeep of a specific temperature, mugginess and lighting. Wiring in certain labs was deficient. Voltage variances ought to be balanced out by voltage controllers where delicate contraption was utilized. A crisis power, gracefully ought to be accessible. (4) college Farm: 8. The significance of functional preparing ought to be reflected by the advancement of a college ranch sufficiently enormous to serve every one of the three faculties.A board, headed by the Vice-chancellor, ought to be liable for the arranging and control of the homestead, with a ranch director accountable for its exercises. The ranch would be utilized fundamentally for preparing understudies and for exploratory examinations, while creation of field yields, foods grown from the ground, along with apiculture and fish-cultivating, could bolster research exercises. Personnel of Agriculture Staffing: 9. With 88 school personnel for 1,426 understudies, the understudy educator proportion in the Faculty of Agriculture is 1:16.This makes it hard for instructors to instruct, administer functional preparing and examination errands and manage understudies. The Adviser thought about that the teacher:student proportion ought to be 1:10. - 3-Department of Horticulture (1) Staffing 10. The Horticultural Department of the Faculty of Agriculture gives undergrad and graduate courses in three principle fields: pomology, olericulture and fancy cultivation. The school personnel of eight (an educator, one partner teacher, four aide educators and two speakers) ought to be multiplied by the expansion of two partners, two right hand educators and four lecturers.A research facility specialist and three colleagues, a field aide for the vegetable nursery and a tractor driver (should the Department get a nursery tractor) ought to likewise b e gave. For the occasion, the University ought to give at any rate a research center specialist and a field colleague. (2) Buildings (a) Laboratories : 11. The Department has two research facilities, one about 30* x 15†² and the other 60†² x 3 0†², the last having two store rooms. Taking into account that this space was insufficient for undergrad handy work, the Adviser-suggested the arrangement of two additional labs of 4 0†² x 25 ‘ . b) 12. P lant Structures: The Adviser suggested arrangement of: (I) a slat place of 4 0 x 8 0 ‘ for proliferation and to give legitimate shade to seedlings and elaborate shade plants; (ii) a nursery for tropical foliage plants? (iii) a development chamber for research on natural effect on the development and yield of plant plants. On the off chance that an imported development chamber can't b e got, an option would b e a nursery with dampness, light and temperature controls. (c) Post-gather Structures: 1 3. A structure is required for getting ready foods grown from the ground for promoting and torage, de-greening and natural product relieving loads, cold stockpiling, and safeguarding of leafy foods. (3) Equipment 1 4. The research facility hardware is sufficient, however a few things needed fix. Field apparatus, for both nursery and homestead, is given by the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. Notwithstanding, the Adviser considered it would be worthwhile for the Department to have a 60 hp garden tractor, with trolly and - 4-different frill, furrow, cultivator, rotivator, leveler, pit-digger, driller, power sprayer, etc.This would spare time currently being lost in obtaining tractors in crises, for example, one which may emerge regarding illness and bug control. It would ease issues happening from the lack of work. I II. Exercises OF HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT AND ADVISER 1 5. Other than prompting on staffing and offices, the Adviser co-worked with Department of Horticulture staff in various exercises, including the amendment of educational programs, developing of vegetable harvests, handy work, preparing understudies and staff, and exploration. Undergrad Curricula 16..Undergraduate investigations in agriculture spread a time of five years, the courses being: Years 1 and 2 : Basic science (Intermediate l evel); Year 3 : General cultivation; Year 4 : Fruit and vegetable developing and elaborate agriculture ; Year 5 : Fruit and vegetable creation, scene planting an d general food innovation. 1 7. The educational plans in the accompanying zones were reconsidered. (an) Intermediate level fundamental science; (b) Various significant field agricultural courses; (c) Agro-biology of Sind and Baluchistan; (d) Major green harvests in Sind and Baluchistan; e) Problems of foods grown from the ground creation in these two territories. 18. A break improvement plan was set up for undergrad and postgraduate examinations. It was concurred that the three existing courses in plant-reproducing and hereditary qualities gave a sufficient logical foundation in this field and that need should now go to foods grown from the ground creation. To this end, two new courses ought to be included with the goal that the general course would include: vegetable developing, vegetable creation (two courses) and seed creation. †5-19.In vegetable developing, notwithstanding the current territories of definition, order, soil and climatic necessities, the Faculty should includ e revolution, green manuring and kitchen garden development. The two courses in vegetable creation would give time for significant harvests to be
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pre Industrial England 1450-1750
Pre Industrial England 1450-1750 Pre-modern England was a period that established the framework for the mechanical insurgency. Its excessively tremendous with various changes that may appear to repudiate itself whenever limited to a solitary definition. In the early beginnings of the period, the proportion of populace to land was low, with little provincial networks intensely occupied with farming. Markets were flawed, alongside basic/drowsy innovation for the most part on the grounds that, the pre-modern man was not used to advancement or essentially didn't see the requirement for cost lessening developments. The technique for creation was for the most part work serious with minimal capital hardware if any whatsoever. The portrayal so far is fitting for the period 1450-1650. During this period populace development changed broadly, for the most part in view of starvations and illnesses. It is qualified to take note of that the family was the establishment of the home economy and in accumulation the pith of the pre-industrialized economy. The family structure was the wellspring of information, riches and much of the time authenticity (especially on account of ladies). During this age, England was a pyramid of status. Responsibility for was the appearance of status and the snappiest method to political influence. This set moving the impetus for advancement: the craving to obtain more land through the plouging back of benefits into the acquisition of land. It was during this time the idea of RENT was created. In spite of the fact that the modern upset began in Britain, during the period 1450-1650 England was behind its mainland partners in pretty much every monetary regard. Despite the fact that populace development varied, it had an upward pattern; tragically the crude economy couldn't retain this excess work. Thusly, pre-modern Britain was tormented with joblessness and underemployment. As though the last was not awful enough, high death rates constrained a youthful populace to work and a staggering atmosphere of hobos and drifters rose. One fascinating way the economy looked to ingest the overabundance work was through the settlements of this excess to urban areas for example London. Europe had for quite some time been contending among itself for new markets and crude materials. This prompted the start of colonialization and the disclosure of new grounds. England had for quite some time been and endured to be an exporter of for the most part crude materials. Before vessels and new exchanging courses were concocted and found, exchanging was hazardous and capital aggregation was down right incomprehensible. The vehicle of trade was ineffectively characterized and bargain end up being mind boggling in view of the twofold happenstance of needs. In the mid fifteenth century, there was an apparent move in the fare of crude materials to produced merchandise, generally the fare of fabric. (allude to Fig 1 p 50) Very rapidly fabric trade represented 2/3 all things considered, the greater part of which were bound for provincial domains and Low Countries. Considering this positive change, England was still to a great extent an essential item maker, accordingly; they had a high import reliance on mainland Europe. Through movement, England had the option to import new aptitudes and procedures and now and again capital. While England started to saddle the intensity of this admission, there was a revelation of gold in South America. This made capital aggregation somewhat less troublesome and further energized exchange. Despite the fact that mechanical employments were occasional in light of the fact that profitable exercises were prevalently dependant on the regularity of yields, brief looks at urbanization could be seen. Craftsmans and specialists were the primary makers who regularly worked with only a disciple; their capital arrangement was little, by and by, developing. The area of businesses were subject to the work gracefully and occupations of all nature began to develop and change constantly as taste, trends and design change. In the book, the economy of England 1450-1750 by D.C. Coleman: England was portrayed as having propensity for à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦borrowing and improving, as opposed to inventing㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ Though homegrown innovations happened, this propensity was implanted in the English national attribute. Considering this duplicate feline methodology of the English, from the seventeenth to eighteenth century, English licenses had expanded radically. Licenses for this situation are utilized as an intermediary to speak to the amount of developments/advancements. See fig. 2 p 154. In short, English industry in the century from 1650 to 1750 can display an assortment of advancements, a portion of an extreme sort in that they are spoken to infusions of capital gear which had the impact of raising efficiency. Some included another utilization of intensity driven apparatus or opened up additional opportunities in that, for instance, in silk-tossing or cotton-turning, some observed a substitution of one significant contribution to the creation procedure by another, for instance, coal for charcoal, steam and environmental weight for pony or labor. The statement above taken from the economy of England 1450-1750 by D.C. Coleman, sufficiently summarizes the significance and effect of the developments occurred in England at that point. Pre-mechanical England (Analysis) For what reason was the pre-mechanical age the manner in which it was? Or on the other hand, how could it change into the mechanical upset? I will look to clarify or discover a few orientation to respond to these hard inquiries. My examination will be restricted to a couple of essential components of free enterprise: property rights, capital collection, benefit rationale, establishments, and level of innovation and government mediation. It is realized that low work efficiency, poor training, high ripeness and death rates alongside the strength of physical over human capital tormented the pre-mechanical period. The opposite is genuine when contrasted with present day social orders, which is portrayed by low ripeness rates and extraordinary underscore on human capital. What represented the sprays in populace development that constrained the overflow work to move to the urban areas? With little instruction and languid innovation there was approximately a normal degree of human capital. Profit and advantage from putting resources into human capital were both low, and the ordinary rural worker earned their most extreme pay at age 20.. Subsequently, guardians would pick amount instead of value in kid bearing; this reveals some insight into the reasons populace blast. High death rates additionally constrained guardians to repeat at a high rate and started to set up a multitude of work that thrived during the mechanical upset. The quantity of licenses gave (utilized as an intermediary for capital aggregation) flags the pace of capital amassing and improvements in innovation. Obviously, these progressions could not hope to compare to present day principles however it established a framework that was fundamental to the mechanical upheaval. Reference was made in the outline with respect to Britains culture of obtaining and improving, this additionally looked to solidify the establishment of mechanical changes during this period. The pre-mechanical keeps an eye on want for status and political achievement alongside the longing to be supported by the crown, moved the pre-modern age. In all actuality, at a moderate rate. This was for the most part done through the vanquishing of new terrains and pitiful changes (contrasted with present day principles) to beneficial exercises. Defective markets had the option to a constrained degree be that as it may, to fuel the mechanical keeps an eye on benefit thought processes. By and by, this remaining parts one of only a handful hardly any fundamental components of private enterprise that never faltered or appears to blur. The pre-mechanical age was saved through the family structure, and the family structure was safeguarded through the responsibility for. All the fundamental components of private enterprise were in presence and developing in each regard during this crude age. Valid, it has advanced since, yet that isn't a bad mark, rather, the motivation behind why its ready to endure every one of these years. At the core of this period, the crown/state/government assumed a most imperative job in mechanical arranging. States were set up, exchange understandings were made, and numerous achievements were made for the sake of the crown. The crown was a lot of engaged with Britains advancement. The states job and force had changed surprisingly throughout the years, yet we incorporate it as a fundamental component of private enterprise to represent the essential job of government in kicking off an economy. Industrialization (750-1830) The modern insurgency was essentially a basic change in the structure of Britains economy. It was the reallocation of assets from agribusiness. England being the primary country to get industrialized in the mid eighteenth century experienced fast development. These high development rates would include changes in each part of the economy. England rich iron, coal and dependable wellspring of waterpower were fundamental to the modern unrest. Settlements around the globe provided Britain with crude materials for example cotton and wheat and filled in as a commercial center for made material. These states assisted with invigorating the material and iron businesses, the riches at that point produced by these two ventures is the thing that drove the modern upset. The steam motor was the best advancement of the mechanical unrest since it turned into an instrument for applying fundamental developments in numerous enterprises and transport. During the 1800s ventures, for example, cotton turning and iron was reliant on the steam motor. Landowning and cultivating riches streamed to venture for improving area and transport while business riches streamed to industry. Organizations made motivations and energize development for business people. The speeding up of mechanical improvement was encouraged by the rise of establishments, for example, budgetary frameworks, legitimate frameworks, and social foundations. Since the economy was developing at a consistent pace, money related frameworks were expected to help this significant change: the built up of the financial framework during the 1690s. The financial framework started to activate reserve funds all the more broadly after the 1750s. The bank of England, the London private bank and the nation brokers made up the boycott
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Pro-Con Essay Topics
Writing Pro-Con Essay TopicsA good essay with proper essay writing skills consists of a number of Pro-Con essay topics. A Pro-Con topic consists of topics that will get the students' attention and inspire them to read on. That is why it is important to write on topics that interest the students. Here are some pro con essay topics to get you started.Good Pro-Con essay topics are centered around events, situations, or personal characteristics. The better topic should be written in an engaging manner. You should always write an essay using the same point-of-view. If your readers want to read an argument in favor of a point, then make the argument compelling by using a dramatic voice. The school teacher's job is to get his students to read on, not listen to someone talk for them.Writing Pro-Con topics means that the writing process should be on a large scale. It needs to be a lengthy task because the student has to think of a good idea and explain it to the reader. The best Pro-Con essay s are always creative.Students should not be afraid to express their opinions. Be open about your opinions on certain issues. If you come across as trying to persuade the reader, then you might have an essay that is very difficult to comprehend.No matter how long the Pro Con essay is, it has to begin with a thesis statement. This means that the essay should start out by stating what the student wants to prove and then what the proof is going to be. Make sure that the essay starts off with a bang.An essay that is structured and organized will be easier to read. The structure and flow of the essay should flow smoothly without any inconsistencies. The reader should have no problem keeping up with the flow of the content and properly following the topic.A good Pro Con essay should be written from a position of knowledge. Make sure that the teacher informs the students what they are talking about, so that they can understand the claims made by the author. There should be facts and figure s that can be easily and immediately deduced from the discussion.Pro Con essay topics are great for students who are just beginning to learn how to write an essay. These are the easy ways that students can make essays. They are a great introduction to the topic of writing essays.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Indias Faith and Indonesias Faith - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1669 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Religion Essay Level High school Topics: Faith Essay Did you like this example? I watched Around the World in 80 Faiths: India and Nepal . Around the World in 80 Faiths is documentary series by BBC executed by the Church of England Vicar, Pete Own-Jones, who travels far and wide to many continents such as North and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia. I live in North America specifically in New York City, US (United States of America). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Indias Faith and Indonesias Faith" essay for you Create order So I wanted to watch an episode that I knew little about and will feel the most interested in, so I chose India. Coincidentally, India is also my name but that is not entirely why I chose to watch this particular country. The reason is that I had always come across Indian people who have migrated from there to the USA and when I asked what is India like, they always say that it is one of the most beautiful places to visit, its full of many types of beautiful people, culture, understanding, and peace, and their culture is ancient and like no other. So I can see for myself if any of the things I heard were true. In the show Around the World in 80 Faiths, episode six: India and Nepal discussed ten faiths found in India: Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism: Muktinath, Hindu/Buddhist, Hinduism: The Durga Puja, Hindu Aghoris, The Bishnoi, Nath Fire Walkers, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Hindu Gorehabba ritual. What was most interesting to me was the Hindu and Buddhists child blessing. This blessing was performed by the goddess grandmother, who was also the midwife (a trained professional who can deliver babies), which we have as well in the USA. The child blessing was similar to a Christening, a child blessing ceremony or ritual found in the religion Christianity. Christianity and Catholicism is the religion (Catholicism is a specific type of Christianity) I was raised in. Christianity is the belief in one God through teachings and beliefs of Jesus Christ. However the Hindu/Buddhists child blessing in Kathmandu, Nepal did things much differently during the ceremony. First, the midwife massages th e newborn while theyre fully naked with mustard oil, to welcome the new life to the world. The newborn baby is then provided with two names, a secret name that only God and the childs soul knows, which is given to protect them from evil. The next name is the name that his family and the world will know and call them by. During the ceremony, the midwife meditates, and pray over the child with a lit candle and rubs oil on the childs forehead and the mother. The mother of the child then squeezes her breast milk on the small lit candle, as an offering to the Gods which is passed over the newborn during the ceremony. This is a very sacred ritual for good karma for their newborn. In Hinduism/Buddhism you have what is known as good and bad karma, meaning the good deeds you do and good spirit you have will lead to a life and afterlife of good and vice versa for bad. This can also lead to reincarnation, it is after you die you will be reborn but as something or someone else. For example, I am a human woman, when I did I can be reincarnated to a male horse. Therefore, the newborn will go through many experiences before he is reborn in the afterlife but the baby must devote their life to the Gods who will determine whether thei r path gave them good or bad karma. This is interesting because of it the complete opposite of how I grew up in a Christian home. For Christians, a child blessing is known as a Christening. In a Christening, the ceremony is conducted in a Christian Church by a pastor or a priest (Catholic), who reads a bible scripture. The bible scripture reading is used to welcome the baby to the world and Christianity and in a way, this is similar to Hindu/Buddhist where this can be a sign of giving the child giving good karma. These bible readings are to help instill good life and guidance. During the ceremony, the pastor will be reading the bible while he is the parents of the child will hold the baby while both sides of the parents will have two people besides them called Godparents to witness the childs blessing and provide that they accept the responsibility as a Godparent. These are people who will care and have guardianship to the child if the parents die, there. But, unlike massaging the mustard oil all over their body, the baby is instead dressed formally in white like a white gown for a girl or a white suit for a boy and after the bible reading the oil or holy water is rubbe d or poured on the head of the newborn. In addition, in order to receive good karma, one has to go to the temple and pray to the god while also performing various meditation rituals. One major reason for this process is because in their religion they do believe in the afterlife also known in the Muslim community as Akhirah, this belief is that after death the Atman (soul) of a person passes into a new body and life. This new life depends on how the person lived their previous life. This belief was a complete opposite to my culture Christians believe when they die our soul is now sent to heaven with God. Another difference to the Christian faith is the belief in one true God while Hindu/ Buddhist believe in many Gods because each God represents something different, there is no all in one God like in Christianity. For instance, throughout the documentary Vicar, Pete Own-Jones was very active in the Hindu/Buddhist practices such as The Tara ritual at the Kutsab Ternga monastery ,this was apart of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tar a is a very important figure in Buddhism because she is known as the mother of liberation. Moreover, there are several types of religion and denomination around the world, as mentioned so I decided to take a deeper look but on another religion known as Manpru religion. This is a religion practiced by Indonesian people specifically those in the island of Sumba. They are considered the last Indonesian who follows an ancestral faith. In order to get a close look at I watched a documentary directed and produced by Laura Scheerer and Janet Hoskins in the year 1988 titled The Feast in Dream Village . The film focused on how the ancestors spirits restore fertility after their village was destroyed by fire. The religious practices are lead by the head priest along with a second in command known as the archer as well as the sponsor. In this religion, the archer is the one who recites the history of the village so the Indonesian people can prepare an offering known as the feast to the ancestors. This feast preparation took twelve years to prepare. According to the head priest, when the fire took place the souls and spirits got lost .The feast will allow them to restore the souls to their rightful place and which they can ask the ancestors for favors like for of their crops to be of abundance and longevity for their lives. The feast is performed in their village with many guests such as government officials and local vil lagers. Also, there is a two seven day period before the ritual specifically prepared and performed by the head priest and the archer by inviting the spirits to a scared space this is known as Palau Marque. This is where the archer makes an offer to the spirit in order to complete the invitation. Along with the request is a performance of ancestral dances with instruments such as the drums and also their spears (their weapons). The second ritual is performed every day for seven days. It is their main offering, the buffalo. They would slash open the buffalo to ensure the liver is good which is a sign that the offerings were accepted by the spirits. All and all, these rituals are very scared and important to their culture because this is the highest form of respect to the spirit which allows them to revive favor for their troubles. Many ancestors before them performed these same rituals and since then has too had much success according to an elderly villager, the rituals are their way of connecting to the spirits and god in the heavens. In conclusion both documentaries showed religions that I have never encountered personally and they both had similar traits such as them both are religions that believe in a higher being such as spirits or gods however the Indonesian faith focuses only on the soul and spirits of their ancestor and do believe in heaven but not an afterlife and many gods that are not ancestors as the Hindu/Buddhist believes in. They both also believe that no one should be above or comes before their deity and to always keep their faith in them no matter where they go. The Hinduism and Buddhism has several elements to their faith and rituals, they believed in reincarnation and the afterlife, good karma (deemed by how you lived in your previous life depicts if you will return as a better version or worst they believe if you pray and mediated and live by the word of budda better is in store in a next life). Both documentaries highlighted major rituals of the natives and allows the viewers to see real-life culture first hand. Ironically both religions and their native were geographically located in Asia; both faiths had leaders who lead in religious practices such as head priest for Manpru and puja for the Hindu. They were religions that I think culture wise was different from mine but similar as they all believe in higher purpose and good and bad (good vs. evil), showing all religions may be different but all have a common goal, by giving them more purpose in life.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Physical Signs That Show There Is Diversity Within Your...
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Name: john Braithwaite 1. What is meant by diversity? Diversity literally means difference. Diversity recognises that†¦show more content†¦Give some examples to explain how diversity: †¢ Enhances your life †¢ Enhances the local community †¢ Enhances this country. Life Helping these people fit in to are local community it enhances my life by working side by side with new people and gives a better understand of the world we now live in Moving beyond simple tolerance, we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels welcome helping building social housing, also working in factories Local communities Councils helping making it easier for new people to adapted in to new local areas opening communities’ centres we can learn and be more productive in our daily lives Running social events again make us more torable to others and there needs to adapt opening new churches for mixedShow MoreRelatedEssay about U2 Assessment687 Words  | 3 PagesAssessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. 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It is therefore the responsibility of the individuals and the government to prevent the disease from developing. A lot of people do not realise that their weight and lifestyle could put them at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, ‘Physical inactivity and obesity are strongly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes (National Diabetes InformationRead MoreHr Website Reviews1407 Words  | 6 Pagesprovide screenshots to use as demonstrations to p rovide visions throughout the paper. The first website that will be reviewed is www.shrm.org. SHRM stands for â€Å"Society for Human Resource Management†. The mission and purpose of SHRM is to produce a community open to a wide range of customers including human resource professionals, governments, media, businesses, to talk about the human resources and how effective they are. Another mission is also to educate and provide research for their customers. (http://www
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Aquarium Essay - 544 Words
My Aquarium The place I decided to do my paper on is located in the living room of my family’s house. It is a one hundred gallon aquarium. The reason I chose this as the topic of my paper is that all kingdoms are present except for Plantae in it and it is its own ecosystem. Before I go in detail about the organisms in the aquarium, I would like to mention the accessories that make this aquarium a stable environment and allow the organisms to grow happily. The temperature needs to mimic natural reefs that are often found in tropical regions. The tank needs to be 78 degrees F. In the summer water is pumped through a chiller that lowers the temperture to exactly what it needs to be and†¦show more content†¦Next, is the water. This needs to be ultra pure, free from dissolved solvents. Due to the high temperatures evaporation can cause as much as 2 gallons a day to be replaced. A reverse osmosis water purifier is used to create this ultra pure water. Now that I have explained how the water starts of pure the salinity needs to be constant. 33 parts per thousand is recommended for reef aquariums. Calcium, amino acids, phytoplankton, and iodine are also added to the aquarium on a daily basis. The water is tested on a monthly basis for ph, alkalinity, and about a dozen different chemicals to be sure the water chemistry is correct. Now we will discuss the first part of the reef aquarium, which is the sand and live rock. The sand needs to be live sand, meaning it contains all the necessary bacteria that will be needed in this artificial environment. The same is true for the live rock, which needs different bacteria and is the resting place for all of the corals. These organisms belong to the kingdom Monera Protista and are the first organism to be added to the tank. This aquarium also contains organisms of the kingdom Protista. These are present in the green algae that are seen on the glass of aquariums. Also red algae are seen when observing a marine aquarium. These algae bloom when there is excess nitrogen in the water. The red algae are a sign of a tankShow MoreRelatedEssay on Mermaid Swims In2231 Words  | 9 Pagesmaintaining an aquarium. My boyfriend, Andrew, gave me an aquarium for my birthday two months ago. I was very excited. When I was little, my family had two goldfish in a small, round bowl. Watching my mother clean out the tank was the extent to which I knew how to care for fish. The aquarium that Andrew gave me is an Eclipse 6; a six-gallon aquarium equipped with a bio-wheel filtration system. The bio-wheel system is a three-step filtration system: the water is sucked out of the aquarium into a tubeRead MoreAquarium Reserch Paper2347 Words  | 10 PagesAquarium Research Paper Abstract: Fresh water tanks are the most common aquariums in houses and schools, many times people that have had a fresh water aquarium move on into a challenge by having a salt water aquarium. Fresh and salt water aquariums have something in common, they teach you how salt and fresh water fishes live and how they interact with other organisms. While taking care of a salt and a fresh water tank in this experiment my data showed that taking care of a salt water tank wasRead MoreEssay on Being Careful about Putting Animals in Captivity1013 Words  | 5 Pagesdo you possibly make it as close to the animal’s natural environment in captivity. It is almost impossible. You can’t start building sea world all over the ocean and hope the animals show up. I live in Agoura hills, big for horse property. At my grandma’s we have three Arabian horses. The thing is that they are wild animals, and need to do what they do best, RUN. We have three acres of pasture they can run around and play and be horses. Now let me tell you, they love their treats. Animals loveRead MoreTechnology, Abstraction and Ideas of Nature3315 Words  | 14 Pagesplanar walls, platforms, terraces and soffits to capture the space of the rural setting and to resonate with the surrounding landscape. He abstracted the geometry of the nearby archeology excavations in his plan. The parentage of this building included Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavillion, Terragni’s works of the 1930s, buildings of the modern form and structure with a certain classical resonance. He took over basic themes from modern tradition and gave them a fresh significance with respect to theRead MoreEutrophication: Water Quality Parameters Essay1137 Words  | 5 Pa gesexperiment, the â€Å"high†aquarium plants will probably begin growing much faster than those of the â€Å"control†aquarium. However, after a few weeks they will probably begin regressing or even dying, while the â€Å"control†and even â€Å"moderate†plants are thriving. Through this experiment, I hope to gain a better understanding of the effects of agricultural runoff on surrounding aquatic environments. The experiment will provide a hands on look at eutrophication and its effects on my surroundings. Methods Read MoreZoos And Aquariums Helping Or Hurting?992 Words  | 4 PagesAnimals in Zoos Are zoos and aquariums helping or hurting? Do hundreds of thousands of happy onlookers make zoos justifiable? Is it acceptable to keep animals confined for our entertainment? Animals that are confined to zoos or aquariums often exhibit abnormal behavior. This can manifest its self behaviorally or physically. This could be as displayed as begging, self-mutilation, autoerotic stimulation or general sterotypies. Sterotypies are â€Å"are repetitive, invariant, behavior with no obvious goalRead Moredescriptive essay799 Words  | 4 PagesMini Vacation to Atlanta, Georgia Traveling is one of my family’s favorite things to do. The family has visited numerous places throughout the United States, however, none are as memorable as Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta, there are many places to go and sights to see such as: Cola-cola factory, Cabbage Patch Kids Factory, Under Ground Mall, the Zoo, Atlanta Braves Stadium, Six Flags Over Georgia, Stone Mountain Park, and the Atlanta Aquarium, are all in or near the city of Atlanta. The three thatRead MoreLowells For the Union Dead: A Civil War Memorial1131 Words  | 5 Pagesconflict marked the beginning of a truly modern age. But I’ve got fifteen minutes in the spotlight, so I’d like to develop a stronger thesis. â€Å"For the Union Dead†opens with descriptions of Boston’s urban landscape. The first is the South Boston Aquarium: cold, decrepit, and strangely nostalgic. The second is the monument commemorating the actions of Colonel Shaw and his unique â€Å"negro†regiment. Together they form layers of metaphor that are characteristic of Lowell’s writing. This complex web ofRead MoreAtlanta Museums and Historic Places Essay570 Words  | 3 Pagesvisit Atlanta someday. It’s one of the biggest southern states in the USA. I have lived in Atlanta over 5 years, absolutely love it. Did you know Atlanta is the birth place of the Great Martin Luther King Jr? Also, Atlanta is known for the largest Aquarium in the US. Another thing that’s very interesting about Atlanta is that they are known for their Coca Cola Company. Now, I mentioned did you know that the Great Martin Luther King Jr. birth place was Atlanta. Well Our Great Martin Luther KingRead MoreDescriptive Essay787 Words  | 4 PagesMini Vacation to Atlanta, Georgia Traveling is one of my family’s favorite things to do. The family has visited numerous places throughout the United States, however, none are as memorable as Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta, there are many places to go and sights to see such as: Cola-cola factory, Cabbage Patch Kids Factory, Under Ground Mall, the Zoo, Atlanta Braves Stadium, Six Flags Over Georgia, Stone Mountain Park, and the Atlanta Aquarium, are all in or near the city of Atlanta. The three that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
American Culture Essay In Puddnhead Wilson Example For Students
American Culture Essay In Puddnhead Wilson This section is the heart of both the farce and the tragedy of Puddnhead Wilson. The action is fast-paced, often absurd, and accompanied by convoluted plot twists. Yet it is always intimately tied to the central problem of the story: Roxys failure to save her son, whose racial heritage seems to damn him inescapably. Roxy herself seems to agree with racist sentiments when she tells Tom that his black blood is to blame for his behavior. She also takes the opportunity to make claims for her own heritage, telling her son that she is descended from Pocahontas and Captain John Smith, and is thereby of as high quality Virginia stock as the judge or anyone else. While Roxy may seem to be a sort of Uncle Tom figure here, Twain avoids this interpretation by making her as much of a victim as her son. Her claims about her ancestry are pathetic and ridiculous, but they show how deeply entrenched the white hegemony is. Roxys comments point to the fact that black blood is the problem: black labor h as made the white masters wealthy and thus enabled both Toms upbringing and the kind of rhetoric that the judge and Roxy use about their fine old families. Concepts of honor in this novel have little to do with standards of behavior but are instead ways to uphold an exploitative system. Aside from the more profound issues at stake, this section also contains some of Twains finest comic writing. The scene at the anti-temperance meeting is theatrical and amusing. It also makes reference to one of the major figures to whom Twain sought to compare himself: Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was the first to set up fire companies in the United States, and the Dawsons Landing fire brigade is similar in its bumbling to the companies Franklin describes in his Autobiography. The comment about the townspeople insuring themselves against the firefighters rather than against fire is obviously Franklin-esque: wry, practical, and linguistically aware. Franklin is the epitome of the self-made man in American literature and history, and by making reference to him Twain means to challenge the idea of self-constructed identities in a world where race is so powerful a determinant that it can erase all else. Puddnhead, the most Franklin- like of the characters in this novel, has so far failed to become who he wants to be, and is left, like Franklin, conducting experiments that are ridiculed rather than appreciated. Still, his nomination for mayor suggests that he may enjoy some success after all. The twins function more as mechanisms than human characters in this section. They are present to open up the closed circuit of society in this town: not understanding whos who or what old prejudices and arguments are behind peoples behavior, they force the town to explain itself or to accommodate their lack of familiarity. One result of this is that the narrative tends to become more omniscient when the twins are present: the hidden narrator frequently offers windows into their thoughts and digressions about the town. The twins tell another wild story in this section, too, about Luigis past and their acquisition of the dagger. In doing so they once again expose the townspeoples pathological fondness for the exotic and the importance of suspension of disbelief to narrative: Twains plot, after all, isnt much less improbable than the twins stories. Finally they serve to interrogate issues of identity still further: their differences, both physical and in matters of opinion, are highligh ted here through their behavior and through Toms insistence that the twins fingerprints are identical. Their behavior toward one another is a complex mixture of loyalty and combativeness, an implicit contrast to the master-servant relationship between Tom and Chambers. .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .postImageUrl , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:hover , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:visited , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:active { border:0!important; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:active , .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0 .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud779da0e2c79a4fd32351d9b0572fdb0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Effect of Broken Family in the Society Sample EssayWords/ Pages : 621 / 24
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